Mini Fairy Door - Pink Hobbit Shire


  • Pink Hobbit Style Fairy Door for the Home and Garden
  • Ornate Medieval Stone and Brick Work
  • Small Door for the Magical and Mystical Minded

This is a doorway to a magical and mystical home!

Whether it's a fairy, pixie or an elf...

The decision is yours.

This is a perfect gift for:
- The child with a vivid imagination
- The adult who's given them that vivid imagination
- Anyone who's a bit quirky, like...
- Fans of Lord of The Rings, The Hobbit, Fairy Tales and other magical fiction!
- Adding something unique and imaginative to the garden
- Seeing passer-by's reactions to seeing a door by a tree!

These are ideal garden gifts that are weather resistant - except against mega hailstones, maybe!

Dimensions: Height 7.5cm | Width 7.2cm | Depth 2.6cm

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